diumenge, 11 de desembre del 2011

Ressenya en Anglès.

-Title:  Toy theater for the silver palast.

-Author: Bemjamin Pollock.

-Date: 1834.

-Subjective Description: It is a toy, so it represents entertainment, fun. As is made, it makes you  feel a sense of comfort and warmth. It is a  small object, but seems to be stretched larger, this gives a symbol of freedom.

-objective description: This is a toy theater, slim and elongated, with small figures for the interior.

-materials: wood, cardboard, metal and tinsel.

-Personal opinion: I chose this book because it's what caught my attention. I think it's the most beautiful of all, how is whippedand made​​. The color is painted as perfect.

diumenge, 4 de desembre del 2011

Biografia (English)

 - Serguéi Diáguilev.

-Was a Russian art criticpatronballet impresario and founder of the Ballets Russes.
He was born to a wealthy and cultured family, in Selischi (Russia)
The tear 1905 he organized an expocition of russian retrats.
Diaghilev was The Sleeping Beauty by Tchaikovsky in London in 1921, despite a good reception by the  public, was not a financial success. During his last years the Ballets Russes were seen as too intellectualfrecuentemenete, stylized, and rarely achieved the same success as in their first performances.
He died at the Grand Hotel des Bains de Mer the Lido of Venice in 1929 and was buried in the nearby island ofSan Michele.